This sniper is Black Tree Design model - built as supplied. The antitank rifleman is a Warlord Games plastic Soviet figure, with a headswap from the Empress SCW range.

An Empress SCW figure, with scratchbuilt improvised flamethrower.
The standing mortar crew member is a Black Tree Design "tank bomber" - I replaced the molotov cocktail with a mortar shell - and the spotter is from the Black Tree Designs "snipers and spies" pack. figures. The kneeling figure is another Warlord Games plastic Soviet figure with Empress headswap.

The anti-tank gun is mostly Warlord, but its "tow" in the form of the reluctant horse and handler is a complete hodgepodge: I took one of the diminutive Westward Volksturm (some of them struggle to be 25mm, let alone 28mm) and gave him some new bare feet (a shortage of shoes and boots was a constant problem for many partisan bands) and longer legs from a Warlord Zulu sprue, got rid of the teeny panzerfaust he was touting, and added an Empress head. The halter is twisted fuse wire.

The transport pool:

And the communications team:

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